Fresno DUI Attorney and ACS-CHAL Lawyer-Scientist Jonathan Rooker
Fresno DUI Attorney | Fresno DUI lawyer
DUI: Common questions people have after being arrested for DUI:
Fresno DUI Lawyer Jonathan Rooker can help answer these questions. He is an experienced and qualified Fresno DUI attorney. Some common questions are, I was arrested in Fresno for DUI? What will happens? Will the DMV take my license? Will I serve time in Jail? How much are the fines for DUI in Fresno County? Can I make Payments? Do I need a lawyer for my DUI? Will my work find out? Will I lose my job? How long do I have to to appeal it to the DMV? How do I get my license back after a DUI?

Have you been arrested or cited for a DUI in Fresno or Madera County? Do you want to know what could happen to you if convicted of a violation of the DUI laws?
Some common questions are:
Did the police take your drivers license when you were arrested for DUI? When will you get it back? How long will it be suspended?
These are all questions that can be answered by scheduling a Free appointment with a Criminal Defense Lawyer, to help answer your questions and advise you on how proceed with you case, getting your drivers license back, dealing with the DMV, and moving forward with you life.
A common First Offense DUI Sentence in Fresno County is as follows:

1st Offense DUI In Fresno County:
A first offense DUI can be punished with up to 6-Months in County Jail, fines approaching if not exceeding $2,000, and up to 5-Years probation. The typical first offense routinely garners a sentences of 10-Days in County Jail, usually served on the Adult Offender Work Program, 3-years probation, and fines/restitution just under $2,000, which may be reduced by 50% with attendance in the 4-hour Decisions For Life Program, formerly referred to as Scared Stiff Program. A 13-week DUI class is required by the DMV and courts. It may be a longer depending on BAC. If the BAC is .20% or greater, and 18-month DUI class will be required by the DMV before your license will be restored.
Make Sure you hire the
Best Fresno DUI Attorney
Jonathan Rooker