Selma Criminal Defense and Sex Crimes Attorney | Selma DUI Attorney
Child Pornography Internet Crime Allegation
A 27 year old Selma man Jose Ricardo Carrillo Montes was arrested in Selma California on allegations of child pornography. The allegation is that he used internet apps to pose as a 19 year old female. He offered money for pictures, and otherwise lured the young males to send photo's of themselves, often explicit photos, then, in at least one of the situations, used the photos to blackmail the young males into meeting for sex acts.
This use of the internet to commit crimes has become a regular allegation, when just a few decades ago, the internet didn't event exist. Crime evolves with technology, and people must take precautions to guard against being victimized by predators that prey upon the youth of society, often using their naive nature against them to victimize them.
Even in small cities where people tend to know each other, like Selma, California, these type of crimes occur. There have recently been multiple allegations of sex related crimes in Selma, including a former Selma Unified School District Employee.