I'm charged with Domestic Violence, can I avoid having to do the 52-week DV classes? Help, I've been arrested for Domestic Violence. Who should I hire to represent me on a domestic violence (DV) charge? Fresno Domestic Violence Attorney can help you.
Can I avoid the 52 week DV class?
YES, it is possible.
Today's case: No 52-Week Batterer's Treatment Program!
I appeared on one of your firms cases today. The client had prior felony charges for Domestic Violence, and other offenses during his life. The case was filed as a Domestic Violence charge. After informing the prosecution of our position, the Deputy District Attorney offered no further custody, no domestic violence terms of sentencing, and a simple battery with probation. My client is able to avoid the year of classes. Money, time, and effort saved by hiring a reputable firm with experience handing Domestic Violence cases in Fresno County.
You you find yourself charged or cited for domestic violence it may be very beneficial to hire and experienced criminal defense attorney to assist you with your case.
Call Fresno Criminal Defense Attorney Jonathan Rooker for help today!