Picking a DUI attorney can be a complicated process. Many people look for the bet known name, the high profile attorney, a criminal law specialist or DUI Specialist. Others use the services of a much over worked public defender to help them with the process. I feel it is important enough to have specialized knowledge of the science behind the various factors involved in a DUI.
That is why I received specialized training in the three standardized Field Sobriety Tests at a course in Los Angeles. I felt that if I hold myself out as being skilled, educated, and knowledgeable in the defense of DUI allegations, I had better have at least the same level of education on the subject as the officer AND the expert witness used by the prosecution. After all, how can know what they did right or wrong if I don't know myself. I would advise looking beyond any advertisement that uses catchy phrases such as "DUI Specialist" UNLESS they have the certification to back up that knowledge. Ask who certified them as a specialist? The National College of DUI Defense offers an excellent testing procedure to become a specialist, did that attorney complete it?
Breath Testing: This is another complicated field, I have specialized education to assist me in cross examining the officer and the expert on. The Absorption, Distribution, metabolism (or Biotransformation) and elimination of alcohol is important. This process can have large effects on the breath alcohol devices read out, and the use of a breath machine to estimate a persons blood alcohol content. To properly cross examine a person must have the education. I have completed extensive educational goals with the specialized intent of apply this education in the defense of people accused of DUI or providing expert opinion as to what a person's blood alcohol content was at the time they were driving a motor vehicle.
Blood Testing: Many attorneys who specialize in DUI Defense have taken steps to understand the process involved in blood testing. However, most attorneys, even criminal defense attorneys, and criminal defense attorneys who primarily earn a living by defending DUI cases have failed to complete a course on gas chromatography. I have taken an in-laboratory course at Axion Laboratories in Chicago that is tailored to teaching Attorneys the science of Gas chromatogrpahy. I'm working near completion of a Masters in Forensic Toxicology, and attending Axion laboratories course on Solid Drug analysis and Mass Spectrometry in November of 2014.
I can truly say I have and continue to gain the specialized education needed to defend DUI cases with a highly educated background that allows me to explore defenses that may assist with the defense of your case.