Fresno County Sheriff Deputies warn parents: Watch what your children are doing online
A Fresno Man was arrested on multiple felony charges of soliciting sex from a 10-year old girl online. Allegations are that the individual, who was booked into Fresno County Jail on multiple sex related charges due to his online activity. Federal and local investigators were involved in the investigation after they received a tip from a concerned citizen regarding suspicious online activity.
Adults using the internet to lure children into situations where sex or sex related acts can occur has been a problem since the beginning of the internet. However, parents can monitor their children's online activity and help protect them from these predators. There are monitoring programs available that allow the parents to review their child's activity at a later time. Further, parents should never assume the screenname and profile match in age or gender to the person using the internet. It is common for sexudal predators to use deceptive names to make themselves appear as another similar aged child, then attempt to garner information, location, or whereabouts from their intended victim. Somthing as simple as the child telling the predator what school they attend, or if they are going to visit a recreation area in the near future is enough for the predator to begin the process of taking online chatting and moving toward in person physiclal or sexual abuse the child.