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Selma DUI News: Attorney Jonathan Rooker provided the following synopsis of the Selma DUI Saturation patrol in effect. The Fresno County City of Selma is having a DUI Saturation campaign that targets drug driving. The slogan "Driver sober or get pulled over" is being used as a part of the "Avoid the 21" DUI prevention motto. Several local agencies took the time to pose for a coalition photo. No less than 11 officers from at least two agencies are pictured announcing the kickoff of the campaign. There is at least one police chief, and other ranking officers pictured. One can only imagine the cost and debate the necessity of having so many highly paid officers dressed up, positioned, and ready for a photo shoot. Perhaps a public information officers could have made the same announcement. The campaign is scheduled to take place from August 21 until Labor Day. The article also states that "26 vehicles were stopped for various hazardous vehicle code violations" on August 21, 2015.
“Selma Police reminds the motoring public that DUI operations will continue through the year with zero tolerance towards those that decide to drink and drive,” Police Chief Greg Garner said. That always begs the question, what is zero tolerance? Do they allow every 5th DUI driver to drive away on non-zero tolerance times? The chief himself saying this also brings another question to mind, what if they driver has been drinking, but is neither impaired nor-over .08? Do they still get arrested as there is zero tolerance toward those who drink and drive? Zero tolerance toward DUI and drivers who have drank has always been a strange cliche'.
This program is a joint effort spanning Fresno and Madera Counties. 5 people were arrested in the first weekend of the operation. Following recent trends, more people are testing positive for drugs that can impair driving than alcohol, in a recent example it was approximately twice as many drugged drivers than the amount with alcohol present in their system.
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