Formal Academic Degrees and Certificates:
* PC 832 Basic Reserve Police Academy Level III (FCC)
* Bachelor Degree in Criminology (Law Enforcement Option) (CSUF)
* Masters Degree Educational Counseling (PPS Credential) (NU)
* Juris Doctor of Law (SJCL)
* Masters Degree in Forensic Toxicology (University of Florida)
* Masters Degree in Pharmacy (University of Florida)
Certificates of Completion:
* Mastering Scientific Education in New Orleans (National College for DUI Defense)
* Gas Chromatography Theory and Practice (American Chemical Society/ Axion Labs)
* Solid Drug Identification Mass Spectrometry/UV/GC (American Chemical Society / Axion Labs)
* Standardized Field Sobriety Student Course (LaPierre & Associates)
* Standardized Field Sobriety Instructor Course (LaPierre & Associates)
* National College for DUI Defense DUI Alcohol Shimizu Lab in Colorado
* National College for DUI Defense DUI Drug (Arlington Lab Texas)
Professional Affiliations:
* National College for DUI Defense
* CA DUI Lawyers Association
* DUI Defense Lawyers Association (Founding Member)
* DUI Defense Lawyers Association (CA State Ambassador)
* American Chemical Society (Law Division)
* Qualified and Testified as an Expert witness on Forensic Toxicology at CA DMV, Madera, Fresno, and Kings County Superior Courts
Educational Seminars:
* CA DUI Lawyers Annual Seminar multiple times
Topics included Voirre Dire, Blood testing, Proper Phlebotomy, and numerous top experts including Wayne Jones and Dr. Rose
* Occupy Fresno CA DUI Lawyers Association seminar multiple times
Topics included Voirre Dire, Laryngeal re flux defense, and Gas Chromatography
* Occupy San Diego CADUILA Seminar
Focused course largely dealing with blood evidence
* Mastering Scientific Evidence Seminar in NOLA
Science based defense including fermentation, storage, blood draws, and gas chromatography as a defense for DUI's.